1. Verify Property Listings:

  • Always verify the accuracy of property listings. If a deal seems too good to be true, it might be. Trust listings from verified sources and connect with trusted real estate agents on our platform.

2. Secure Communication:

  • Use our secure messaging system to communicate with sellers and real estate agents. Avoid sharing personal information, such as your address or financial details, outside the platform.

3. Research Neighborhoods:

  • Before committing to a property, research the neighborhood. Check local crime rates, amenities, and future development plans to ensure it aligns with your expectations.

4. Meet in Safe Locations:

  • When meeting sellers or agents, choose safe and public locations. Inform someone about your meeting, and if possible, bring a friend along.

5. Verify Property Ownership:

  • Ensure that the seller has legal ownership of the property. Request and verify relevant documents before proceeding with any transaction.

6. Inspect Properties Safely:

  • If visiting a property, take someone with you and schedule visits during daylight hours. Inform someone about your visit and share the property address.

7. Use Trusted Payment Methods:

  • When making payments or deposits, use secure and trusted methods. Be cautious of any requests for unconventional payment methods.

8. Understand Contracts:

  • Thoroughly review and understand any contracts before signing. If you have legal concerns, consider seeking advice from a professional.

9. Check Reviews and Ratings:

  • Utilize our platform’s review and rating features to gauge the reputation of sellers, agents, or properties. Positive reviews can provide valuable insights.

10. Report Suspicious Activity:

  • If you encounter suspicious activity or believe a listing is fraudulent, report it to our customer support team immediately at [email protected].

11. Educate Yourself:

  • Stay informed about common real estate scams and frauds. Knowledge is your best defense against potential threats.

12. Trust Your Instincts:

  • If something feels off or too good to be true, trust your instincts. Take the time to investigate further and don’t rush into any decisions.

13. Consult with Professionals:

  • If you’re unsure about any aspect of the transaction, seek advice from trusted real estate professionals or legal experts.